"The Resurgence of Religion: A Challenge to the Secular Self-Understanding of Modernity" is the theme of the 2008 Castle Lectures being presented by Juergen Habermas at Yale University.
Habermas will deliver three lectures:
(1) The Controversy Over the Secularization Hypothesis and the Role of Religion in a Post-Secular Society on October 6.
(2) The Secular Level of Intercultural Communication in an Emergent, Multicultural World Society on October 7.
(3) On the Self-Understanding of Secular Reason on October 13.
The lectures, which are free and open to the public, will take place 4-5:30 p.m. in the Law School auditorium.
The Castle Lectures are sponsored by Yale's Program in Ethics, Politics and Economics. They are published in book form by the Yale University Press.