On the Hamas massacre, Israel's response, and anti-Semitic sentiments:
Nicole Deitelhoff, Rainer Forst, Klaus Günther & Jürgen Habermas - "Grundsätze der Solidarität. Eine Stellungnahme" / "Principles of solidarity. A statement", www.normativeorders.net (website) 13-11-2023 (a month after Israel began its invasion of Gaza 07-10-2023).
The statement emphasizes:
1) The Hamas massacre had the declared intention of eliminating Jewish life in general.
2) Israel’s retaliation for the massacre is justified in principle.
3) Israel’s retaliation must be based on three guiding principles: * a principle of proportionality, * the prevention of civilian casualties and * the waging of a war with the prospect of future peace.
4) Despite all the concern for the fate of the Palestinian population the standards of judgement slip completely when genocidal intentions are attributed to Israel’s actions.
5) Israel’s actions can in no way justify anti-Semitic reactions.
6) The elementary rights to freedom and physical integrity as well as to protection from racist defamation are indivisible and apply equally to all.
Responses & reports (a selection):
Jens-Christian Rabe - "Ein paar Grundsätze", Süddeutsche Zeitung, 15-11-2023.
Christian Geyer - "Habermas", Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 16-11-2023.
Michael Hesse - "Stellungnahme aus Starnberg", Frankfurter Rundschau, 16-11-2023.
Nicole Deitelhoff - "Dunkle Zeiten", comments on X/Twitter, 17-11-2023.
Adam Tooze, Samuel Moyn, Amia Srinivasan, Nancy Fraser et al. - "The principle of human dignity must apply to all people", The Guardian online 22-11-2023. Also published as: "A Response to “Principles of Solidarity. A Statement”. Human dignity for all", Public Seminar (website) 22-11-2023. Among the signatories are Dirk Moses, Peter Verovšek, Robin Celikates, Eva von Redecker, Frederick Neuhouser, Jay Bernstein, and Katrin Flikschuh.
Michael Hesse - "Die Suche nach einem "vernünftigen Diskurs"", Frankfurter Rundschau, 25-11-2023 (including a comment by Rainer Forst. English version of his statement: "Beyond Black and White").
Gerrit Bartels - "Die Grenzen der Solidarität. Britische Antwort auf Habermas", Der Tagesspiegel, 24-11-2023.
Stefan Müller-Doohm - "Habermas and Israel", Nordwest-Zeitung, 27-11-2023.
Andreas Rosenfelder - "Der Habermas-Aufschrei", Die Welt, 27-11-2023.
Ronald Pohl - "Solidarität, die jeder anders meint", Der Standard, 28-11-2023.
Asef Bayat - "Juergen Habermas Contradicts His Own Ideas When It Comes to Gaza", New Lines Magazine, 08-12-2023.
Gerald Matt - "Die antisemitische Verseuchung", Die Presse, 09-12-2023.
Seyla Benhabib - "Wir sind in einer Sackgasse, und es scheint keinen Ausweg zu geben" (Interview), Frankfurter Rundschau, 18-12-2023.
"Supporting Aggression: How Intellectuals Stood Against the Ethical Decline of German Philosopher Habermas", Al-Estiklal, online 21-12-2023.
Rudolf Steinberg - "Staatsräson mit Fragezeichen", Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 28-12-2023.
Alieddien Hilal - "Challenging Habermas on Israel", Al-Ahram Weekly, 11-01-2024.
Hamid Dabashi - "Thanks to Gaza, European philosophy has been exposed as ethically bankrupt", Modern East Eye, 18-01-2024. (Warning: Outrageous!)
More info on my blog.